Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ecology By Design

I think that it's alright!!!... but thats it cause she doesn't make mens clothes!! i don't know what y'all think about those clothes that we see in that picture but i think that they are up to date and look ight.... you cant say that they look ugly because they don't and i guess they look good since her business has been going good for a while specially since that her store is New York too!!! oh i thought that it was a good idea that she decided to make her clothes out o bamboo did she say yeah thats cool i wonder how the cloth smells probably like all good and fresh!!! KRISPY!!!! hahah but the only thing is her products probably cost a lot though.


Amber Bahe said...

like ur summary...ur the person who really gave a good thought to it...on how it was important to have clothing that deals w/the environment...i think its something kool to do...havin' clothes that was made of the environment...duce

When The Rich Wage War Its The Poor Who Die said...

yea i read it and it is alright i would give it three cookies out of five mmmm cookies. HAHAHAHA jk it was a good blog.