Thursday, October 25, 2007

Where do I go with speech and debate

This was a good article the other articles talk about one career this one talks about like 15 different careers that you choose to do in your life.. but once again this is not for me and i think that all of these choices are pretty cool but then there all out of my ball park... and then these career take lots of education just to do and stuff it must take these big time actors awhile just to get of the big screen.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Setting her sites

This a job for me this is exactly what i want to do in life because i get to be my own boss and nobody can boss me around and plus have my own company!!! thats huge money dude!!! CEO alot of money dang thats is totally unbelievable its so cool. i know i want to do this cause i already took INFOTECH, BMT, BMAS, AND BMAS II.. YUP This is so cool that this is what i want to do!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Working On The Railroad

I believe that this is a good cool fun job cause you get to meet a bunch of new people being that your in new york and thousands of people take the train to go some place too!!!! plus theres many things that you could do in this field its not all limited like them other job too!!! but yeah i think that this job is really cool!!! and that the people who choose this career will do good in life still its just not the career for me yet cause trains just arnt my thang...

Monday, October 22, 2007

E:Learning: The anytime, anywhere Option

I don't what to think i think that its so much easier taking classes over the computer rather than sitting boring classes listening to a boring teacher with a a bunch of other people you don't know or feel comfortable around. When you could be flying though your work sitting by the person you want to be around most.. plus if the rest of your class is slow and you have to wait for the next assignment just because the rest of the class is taking for ever. That sucks!!! but with this new e-Learning thing they is talking about that all goes away..

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Protect The Digital Frontier

This is crazy like all hardcore stuff yo cause they are making it harder and harder for criminals to get away with things. Pretty soon nobody is going to be able to get away with anything cause they will be watching every sqaure inch of the earth fromk satilite at all times... thats possible have you seen dayjavu? Preety its gonna be that crazy if you think about it anything that can be imagined can be done it might take awhile but anything is possible...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I think that is really cool that people are now doing that these days cause that opens so many doors for so many people makes things so much easier for bosses people looking for jobs that are hard to find so think that this a huge break though!!!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Jacob's Cool Computer Program

This article that i read about jacob and his computer skills was pretty cool.. i guess since i sort of like computers... but not really though... but i think that this guy is cool helping out the community by fixing up the old broken down computers and then fixing them up real good and give them out for free... yeah i think that is really nice of him and that just shows that he is a really smart boy.... i mean really smart when i was five i had snots all over my face mixed with sand and stuff and here this dude at 5 was writing computer programs and stuff what a genius!!!!